Need Assistance?

Hello, Jean! is currently accepting applications to participate in our program. Acceptance is not solely based on financial need - we take other factors into consideration as well. If you are in need of assistance, complete the enrollment application linked below and a Team Jean member will be in touch with you promptly.


Do I need to make less than a certain amount of money to qualify for assistance?

While finances are a factor in whether or not you and your family will qualify, that is not the only factor. We understand that circumstances beyond finances play a role in one’s ability to make ends meet each month.  On the application, we encourage you to provide us with “the big picture.”

Are there health and home products that Hello, Jean! does not offer?

Yes. For the safety of our families, we do not provide medication. We do offer some items related to health such as bandages and first aid items. However, our focus is on items that keep your family well through proper hygiene and cleanliness.

How long will I be able to receive assistance?

We ask that those receiving items from Hello, Jean! reapply every six months.  Should your circumstances change and you are no longer in need of assistance, we ask that you let us know so we can open your spot up to a new family.

Am I guaranteed the products that I have asked for each month?

Hello, Jean! strives to offer families everything they need, however, what we can provide will be based on what we can obtain from donors each month. Therefore we cannot guarantee certain items, nor can we guarantee that you will receive a package each month. In the event that we cannot secure a package for you, we will let you know at least one week prior to our normal delivery.

My relative needs assistance. Can I apply on their behalf?

Unfortunately due to the private nature of enrollment, only those needing direct assistance can apply. If you know of someone in need, encourage them to contact us. 

Where does Hello, Jean! get items to distribute?

We work with stores to obtain product and gift card donations. We also solicit donations from the community, and apply for grants. All funds and gift cards donated or granted to Hello, Jean! are used to purchase the items needed by our families.